Firstly I would just like to say a big thank you to Brides for giving me the opportunity to write this blog post on their website, I feel very privileged. I am a Personal Trainer and in this blog post I am going to go through some things you must do to get into the best shape ever for your bridesmaid dress shop. I hope you find this post very helpful in reaching your desired look for your wedding day.
One of the most important things I want to impress upon you is to digest this information and TAKE ACTION immediately. I know it is easy to put this off but I strongly encourage you to implement these strategies as soon as possible.
You must plan for success. Before you start your quest to getting into shape for your bridal gowns sale I strongly suggest you do two things: firstly you need to know exactly where you are starting before you can truly understand where you want to get to and secondly you need to write down exactly what you want to look like for your wedding day.
Firstly you need to do the following: weigh yourself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach as well as measuring your hips, legs, waist, stomach and arms. This is critical because now you can write down exactly what weight and measurements you want to be for your deep purple bridesmaid dresses. If you do not measure and write down your starting measurements you will not have an accurate idea of where you want to be. You will just be guessing. Writing your desired weight and measurements down increases your chances of achieving that goal massively.
Give yourself enough time. You must be realistic. Changing your body takes time and a lot of hard work. Do not be one of these people who make a last ditch attempt to lose body fat 3 weeks away from the wedding. Give yourself months of time depending on how much fat you have to lose. There is no such thing as a quick fix or a get ripped programme/diet/pill in 3 weeks. If you believe this I suggest you stop reading this post now because the above does not exist.